Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Story of Evil Eye

The ‘evil eye’ is one of the main aspects of Turcic Shamanism since thousands of years.
The blue color stands for the blue skies, which was the goodfather, "Gök Tengri’ of ancient Turcic Shamanistic belief.

For the ancient Turcic tribes of Central Asia, the light blus color of the skies symbolized ‘life and navy blue, that is the night color, of the heavens, stood for ‘death’ that the two form of the same entity which were thw naturalistic view of the same perpetually changing reality.

The eye, symbolizing the element which has the capacity of sight, might has been interpreted as the human faculty which gives rise to the Enug and hatred of the onlooker who lacks the belongings and for the state of the observed entity. The eye symbol which is hung on objects and places since thousands of years, is thus, an atavistic symbol, believed to avet the envious evil eye of the spectator.

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